Sewer Cleaning Services in NJ

⚠️ Are you experiencing sewer line issues in New Jersey and need a sewer cleaning service?

Contact BRUTE Contracting and you will be greeted by our owners, Daniel Radici or Uri Bussi. Daniel or Uri will listen to your sewer issues and provide you with the best option regarding your current situation and a free estimate to clean your sewer line.

If you qualify, you will be provided with a free sewer camera inspection so our team can assess the condition of the sewer line and provide you with an in-depth proposal regarding the scope of work and costs required to clean and service your sewer line.

Cleaning a sewer line is an essential maintenance task to prevent clogs and keep your plumbing system functioning properly. Here are the steps to clean a sewer line:

  1. Safety Precautions:
    • Before starting any sewer cleaning, make sure to wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including gloves and eye protection, to protect yourself from potential exposure to wastewater and contaminants.
  2. Identify the Problem:
    • Determine the location and cause of the sewer line issue. Common problems include clogs, buildup, and tree root intrusion.
  3. Gather Tools and Materials:
    • You’ll need the following equipment:
      • A sewer snake or auger: This tool is used to dislodge and remove blockages.
      • A sewer cleaning jetter: High-pressure water jetters can be used to break up and flush out clogs and debris.
      • Protective gear: As mentioned earlier, wear gloves and eye protection.
  4. Access the Sewer Line:
    • Depending on your sewer system’s design, you may need to access the sewer line through a cleanout or other access point. This may require removing a cleanout cap or accessing a sewer vent on the roof.
  5. Insert the Sewer Snake or Jetter:
    • Carefully insert the sewer snake or jetter into the sewer line. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper use.
    • Gradually feed the equipment into the sewer line while turning it to break up and remove the blockage. With a jetter, the high-pressure water will help flush away debris.
  6. Remove the Blockage:
    • As you work the snake or jetter through the line, you should feel resistance when it encounters the blockage. Continue to work it back and forth until the blockage is dislodged or cleared.
  7. Flush the Line:
    • If you used a sewer jetter, it’s a good practice to flush the line with water to ensure all debris is cleared away. You can do this by running a hose or using the jetter with a flushing nozzle.
  8. Inspect and Test:
    • After cleaning the sewer line, it’s essential to inspect it to ensure the blockage is completely removed. Use a sewer camera if available to inspect the interior of the line.
    • Test your plumbing fixtures to verify that they are draining properly and there are no further issues.
  9. Cleanup and Maintenance:
    • Clean up the work area and properly dispose of any waste materials.
    • Consider using enzyme-based sewer line treatments regularly to prevent future blockages caused by organic matter buildup.
  10. Regular Maintenance:
    • To avoid future sewer line problems, consider scheduling regular sewer line inspections and cleaning as part of your home maintenance routine.

If you encounter a stubborn or severe sewer line blockage that you cannot clear on your own, it’s advisable to contact a professional plumber or sewer cleaning service. They have specialized equipment and expertise to handle more challenging situations and ensure that your sewer line is properly cleaned and functioning. Contact BRUTE Contracting to speak to one of our owners to fix your sewer line.